Tag Archives: Installer

Tesla Model S gets its own Android App

Tesla has presented some time ago, a new electric car, which is called the Model S, and offers more space than the original Tesla. As in the car anyway everything works electrically and is linked, of course, it makes sense to offer a corresponding app. These Tesla has now released into the Google Play Store.

With the Send app you can do the things that you can do in the car. This naturally includes the control of air conditioning, the persecution of the site, which isolate the doors and also the check in the charge state of the battery. Continue reading Tesla Model S gets its own Android App

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The new version of the keyboard SwiftKey is available for download in the Google Play

Recently, a third-party developers are pleased with the keyboard SwiftKey users of the new version, which is the number 3.0.1.
This is a great upgrade brought with it a couple of new themes, seven languages and feature voice input text. However, the latter will only work on devices running Android 4.0 and above. Activate the voice input can be continuously pressing a key with a comma. Continue reading The new version of the keyboard SwiftKey is available for download in the Google Play

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