Test – LEGO Lord of the Rings

Test - LEGO Lord of the Rings
LEGO Lord of the Rings, Warner Bros. Games the output of the Hobbit film and the renewed interest in Middle-earth that the new Peter Jackson film causes the public. But the latest in the series of LEGO moviegoers is not resting on its leaves Lothlorien by simply surfing the success of the franchise: he took the opportunity to provide a valuable facelift.

After many games labeled “Lord of the Rings”, Telltale Games was still vibrating string nostalgic fans without tiring. They decided to play the game thoroughly and make their game a true declaration of love to the fans, while maintaining grip simplissime own the series. Their stated goal: to gather around the console kids who discover Tolkien Hobbit and thanks to their parents who have seen the Lord of the Rings (yes, all those who have read also, do not ignite!).

Strangely, it is quite credible
The highlights of the saga can be lived through eighteen levels that closely follow the course of the film. However, they are no longer bound by a single central location acting as a hub was the case in previous games: LEGO Batman 2 started with the principle of open world is here again to give the player a playing s’ extending the Shire to Mordor. It is possible to browse the entire Middle Earth without any loading time!

This expansion brings many other changes in the game system and You will find statues scattered on the ground in order to obtain information about your card. Hidden objects, side quests, NPCs … there’s plenty to do once the main storyline is completed. Some places like Bree or Rivendell are populated by many characters that you ask for help or provide valuable support to complete the game 100%.
It is a pleasure to enjoy the game more free phases between two sequences of the trilogy, especially that we are sometimes very useful later.

Middle-earth awaits you
Scripted missions have indeed welcome improvements: the characters now have an inventory in which it is possible to store objects, thereby avoiding trips, and a wheel to select characters that we directly wishes to embody. Needless to say, this is handy when the nine members of the Community together!

The trick between the two types of gameplay is so simple that many found: it is possible to build in the cities of objects mithril, then accessible at all times, which allows any character to benefit special abilities other. Your efforts to gather the sacred metal and be rewarded with the satisfaction of a level through unlocking all the secret passages without having to select each time the right person. Besides seeing Gimli archery, it does not charge.

Moria is a great moment of bravery
The world is vast and full of winks (you’ll find the cameo by Peter Jackson?), The missions show true and varied, but it gets even better: TT Games we play sequences that will revive flame (of Udûn) in the heart of fans. Confront the armies of Sauron with Isildur and Elrond, Saruman live duel against Gandalf, the Balrog prevent cross the Bridge of Khazad-dûm … all mythical moment it is possible to play as if we were there!

If general appearance suffers no reproach, the game still holds some pitfalls. Management jumps, recurring failure of the LEGO series is still wobbly, and still bored quickly solo, even being a fan of Tolkien.

More subjective, humor cutscenes does not always fly, especially during the tragic moments that sometimes borders on the comic to the absurd. It is also regrettable that the characters do not have all their official dubbing: if Gandalf has an acceptable substitute, it’s hard to stay in the atmosphere of Helm’s Deep heard the VF Brad Pitt out of the mouth Aragorn!

LEGO Lord of the Rings is therefore an excellent opus LEGO, a wonderful tribute to Peter Jackson’s trilogy and a great cooperative game. TT Games has improved a lot of small details that make the experience as pleasant as it was to live to see ten years ago, and the few flaws of the game are not enough to tarnish the joy we feel to tread Middle Earth again. The appointment is made for LEGO The Hobbit!

– By : ND-Gadgets: Nouveaux gadgets numériques – les dernières nouvelles à propos de tv, pc, ordinateur portable, jeux, appareil photo, téléphone et tous les gadgets.

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