Microsoft plans to integrate political advertising XBOX LIVE

Microsoft XBOX LIVE
Microsoft officials gave journalists understand that they are going to publish promotional material of a political nature directly through its gaming service Xbox Live. In this pre-assembled user data will be considered while display advertising .

Microsoft makes no secret of the fact that he wants politicians to pay for targeted advertising in Xbox Live. They even spread this information in the political environment at the last conference last Thursday Conservative Political Action Conference. Now we can only wait for the results of the promotion.

Advertising politicians, political parties and election campaigns will occur right on dashboards ( so called desktop operating system consoles Xbox) among other icons applications and games. Game console by analyzing user account information will be tailored to the age and interests , and then displays the most appropriate advertising or party politics . How will be the choice – Corporation of Redmond is silent.

Microsoft XBOX LIVEe

According to The Washington Post, 38 % of the more than 25 million U.S. users Xbox Live service are women, 40 % of users – are family people , and more than half of the users have children . Microsoft is actively trying to convey information to politicians that the best advertising campaign with the appropriate target audience to imagine they will not.

Video before intersect with politics . For example, during the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama’s campaign posters with his picture were placed right inside the game Burnout Paradise. And this is not an isolated case of politicians trying to reach out to a multi-million community of gamers.

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