Nintendo announces big games on Wii U

Nintendo announces big games on Wii U
In a new Direct Nintendo, Satoru Iwata has confirmed the arrival of important titles on Wii U.

Apologizing for the lack of titles coming in January and February on the Wii U, Nintendo’s CEO reminded the players the upcoming release of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (23 March) and LEGO City Undercover (March 28).
Bayonetta plays still largely absent the presentation, despite assurances that “development is going well,” as the next Smash Bros.. we have the first images (and possibly a trailer) at the next E3.

Responding to the request of the players unreleased tracks, Iwata then finally announced some major projects: a new Mario game is currently in development in Nintendo studios, produced by the team responsible for episodes Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D Land.
An episode of Mario Kart is also under development, the two games to be playable at E3 next.

Next novel, Yoshi series will develop shortly a new episode developed by Good Feel, the studio that had dealt with Kirby over for adventure, while a partnership between Capcom and Nintendo result in a cross -over between the Shin Megami Tensei series and Fire Emblem. This is a collaboration with Nintendo wants to make an example for its next games to come.

But the announcement that everyone expected, it was obviously the development of a new Zelda, and Satoru iwata did not disappoint the players on this point: in addition to the arrival this fall of The Wind Waker HD version and reworked gameplay, the next game license was an opportunity for aside from the producer Eiji Aonuma.

Program, an explanation of the avenues explored by the developer for the next game, supposed to “rethink the conventions of Zelda” to introduce the series to a new audience. Break the linear structure of the game and offer a gameplay that is not only are the two solo tracks that were given as examples.

RPG fans will be excited about them by the announcement of the next game Tetsyuya Takahashi, already at work on what many consider the best RPG of this generation: Xenoblade. The trailer reported a design similar to the previous game, the mixture of guns, monsters in Lost Planet, mecha and oversized swords is not displeasing to us!

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