Nintendo Wii online services in the summer

Nintendo has since a few weeks now not only in Canada the Wii mini in the sale, but also we can buy it. In the watered-down console is no longer installed Internet connection and the first generation, was still compatible with Nintendo Gamecube play, is no longer manufactured.

Accordingly, it is Nintendo no longer have to worry about online content, because there are always fewer devices connected to the network. I personally have never used the content also. The Japanese have now decided from the 28. June in the home news, weather, Mii Contest, everybody votes, Digital Camera print and the Nintendo channels. Wii Connect 24 is also no longer available to you, with the Wii Shop and other services remain for the time being.

The decision is still not for the whole world, but the step is understandable, because of course the focus should be on the new consoles. I think we were also quite cope with the decision.

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