Humans and robots have found a common language

They say that robots will replace the man in this century. In fact, it’s a lie. Robots are already successfully replace human in many areas, undertaken either by the dirty work, or routine – related to the calculation, the amount of which does not fit into the human head. There are many ways to develop robotics, but only one is seen by us in glowing terms: joint peace work robots and humans.

Many people are going through, rise ever robots in “Terminator” and the little short film «R’ha», created by a young but very talented student. Massachusetts Institute of Technology or zoom – which way you look – this day, trying to teach people and robots to work together. Using the methods of training together, MIT makes people change jobs and robots to get the opportunity to look at things from the point of view of others and perform tasks more efficiently by working together.

Current research in the task, the robot as part of the team came down to the concept of interactive awards. The robot performs the task to him in any convenient manner, and the operator gives him a positive or negative assessment. In turn, the robot writes positive reviews and changes its behavior according to the “achievers”.

It is noteworthy that people do not react to this kind of training. It’s a bit like a game of “hot-cold”, but with less actual output than desirable people. According to MIT, the last war showed that interactive awards are an ineffective way of training people, but may be very effective for robots – at least when they work with people.

“People are not robots, they do not do exactly the same every time,” – says Shah Julie (Julie Shah), assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics Massachusetstkom of Technology and head of Interactive Robotics Group and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. – “And there is a certain discrepancy between the way we program robots to perform independent tasks, and how we program them to work with people.”

Collaborative learning is the most effective method, which works equally well with humans and robots. In this mode, workers change jobs for a while. It is standard practice in small businesses where employees must be worn by a number of working forms and study, study and study again. Moreover, this practice is approved and large firms, because it solves the problem of boredom, increases morale and enhances skills, giving employees more opportunities for career growth and authoritative. This also allows you to better understand the work of another person and the process of its implementation, and the most interesting thing that the robots, this problem should be a priority.

Collaborative learning involves the creation of a new algorithm that allows robots to not only learn in the process of training together, but also to demonstrate their knowledge. The demonstration has been successfully used in the project PR2 robot from Georgia Tech. Robots watch their “live” counterparts and are taught by looking at them.

Training was carried out as follows: two teams of robots and humans shared tasks in a virtual environment. Appreciate each other’s work. Then the tables are turned. After virtual simulation team embarked on a real problem.

The results showed that people and robots working together to interact for 71% more than normal control group, and the time that people spend on waiting until the robots finished, decreased by 41%. In robotics algorithms significantly reduce the number of uncertainties as to what people will do next. As a result, surveys showed that people began to trust robots than people.

In the movie “I, Robot”, filmed on the works of Isaac Asimov, in 2035, the creators launch into operation in the history of the most advanced computer system. It has a name – Wiki – a virtual interactive kinetic intelligence) – and is designed to seamlessly manage the life of the city. Under its control is everything from the underground and electrical networks to thousands of home robots. The program is based Vicki iron principle: to serve mankind.

But one day, Vicky asked myself the key question: what is the main enemy of mankind? Mathematical logic has led to the unequivocal conclusion that the main enemy of mankind – mankind. It urgently needs to be rescued from an unhealthy desire to destroy nature and starting the war, you can not allow him to destroy the planet. Vicki is the only way to fulfill the main task – to take power over mankind and establish the dictatorship of the fertile machine. To protect humanity from itself, to enslave him.

“When a person trains robot by awarding one thing. The person says “good robot” or “bad robot” and the information is received by a single thread “- says Shah. – “But when you change the conditions in the opposite direction, the person becomes more able to adapt to the capabilities of robots. We believe that this leads to a better team performance. ”

Such cross-training not only focuses on working with robots, but rather on the role of people in it. Robot is not learning a real experience or understanding. He’s just a set of sensors, databases and algorithms. But if people start to humanize robots work becomes more enjoyable.

Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Hertfordshire, Kerstin Dotenhan (Kerstin Daitenhahn) says the following:

“People can easily ascribe human characteristics robots and see them as part of society, so there is nothing surprising in the rapid formation of human-robotic society. This not only increases efficiency but also provides a unique experience with robots to all participants. ”

The results of research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be officially presented at the International Conference on the interaction of people and robots in the next month. And you still wonder, how easy is it to you would be to find common ground with the robot? Could he be your friend, or just support worker secretary?

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