The aircraft FanWing was born in 2013

FanWing, can probably be called the first entirely new aircraft over the last hundred years. Rather than screw or jet engine, this machine uses samoletopodobnaya motors mounted directly to the wings. The unique design of these engines while providing lift and pushes the aircraft forward. Models and prototypes reduced FanWing tested for several years now, but next year’s scheduled appearance of the world’s first manned flying machine of this kind.

Inside the car wings are elongated cylindrical turbines, in the illustration, they are somewhat similar in their appearance mower blade. These turbines are driven by motors, the rotation of the blades generates both lift and thrust forward. This means that for takeoff FanWing almost do not need acceleration, the original flying machine lifted into the air almost vertically like a helicopter. The developers note that the efficiency of the machine is almost as large as that of conventional aircraft. It is also emphasized that FanWing runs quietly enough, the machine is easily controlled and has a function of the autopilot. This means that in case of emergency will be able to own land FanWing, saving the life of the pilot and passengers. The first prototype of a piloted aircraft will be available in January next year, but only testing will start in July.

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