Google introduced Chrome browser 21

Recently, an official release of new version of Chrome browser at number 21. The company Google, which is the developer, has equipped its web-based set of useful features, which competitors are probably not even aware. What’s so special about Chrome 21 – talk about it further.

Perhaps the most important innovation in the new version of Chrome is getUserMedia API, which provides Web-based applications to access web camera and microphone without the need for additional plug-ins, as in other browsers. To test this feature Google offers interesting applications of Magic Xylophone, Webcam Toy and Sketchbots.

Among the changes in Chrome 21 producer emphasizes enhanced support for gamepads and improved integration with cloud print service Google Cloud Print. In addition, the new version of the browser from Google will be pleased also to owners of laptops with the MacBook Pro Retina-display: specifically for this model, the Chrome 21 adds support for ultra high-resolution screens. The new browser, as usual, available for three popular operating systems: Linux, Mac and Windows.

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